
Full company name: Hotel Gasthof Mostwastl GmbH
Executive bodies: Rudolf Unterberger
Legal form:Limited liability company
Place of business license: Salzburg
Company register number: 161953t
UID: ATU44095402
Court of jurisdiction: Salzburg regional court
Chamber affiliation: WKS
Supervisory Authority: Magistrate of the city of Salzburg
IBAN: AT2735018000018457
Bank name: Raiffeisenbank Untersberg

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Tyrol – Austria


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Image rights:

The image material presented on this website is protected by copyright and is not binding.

Images: Hotel Gasthof Mostwastl GmbH

Videos: ©Manuel Haslauer

Photos excursion destinations Salzburg: ©Tourismus Salzburg GmbH, SalzburgerLand Tourismus, Salzwelten Bergauer, Zebra Photo by Stephanie LeBlanc on Unsplash.


All texts, graphics and images are protected by copyright. Further use is only permitted with appropriate permission.

Purpose of Website:

The purpose of this website is to provide information about goods and services of the partner companies and to promote sales of the same.

Single room

Jänner - Juni
Oktober - November
Juli - September
69,00 79,00